Current Research Projects
Stationary CT
The project aims to develop a fixed-gantry CT scanner using multiple CNT x-ray source arrays and detectors
Example CT images

Selected publications
- "Evaluation of carbon nanotube x-ray source array for stationary head computed tomography" D. Spronk, et al. Medical Physics 48 (3), 1089 (2001).
- "A stationary head CT prototype with CNT x-ray source arrays", D. Spronk et al. Medical Imaging 2022: Physics of Medical Imaging 12031, 597
3D Mammography
We demonstrated a stationary digital breast tomosynthesis scanner that can increase the system resolution and scan speed, and reduce the radiation dose

Selected publications
- "Initial clinical experience with stationary digital breast tomosynthesis", YZ Lee, et al., Academic Radiology, 2019
-Visualizing micro calcification in lumpectomy specimens: an exploration into the clinical potential of carbon nanotube-enabled stationary digital breast tomosynthesis", C. Puett, et al. Biomedical physics & engineering express, 2019
Volumetric CT
We develop technologies to mitigate the limitations of the current CBCT scanners for 3D volumetric imaging

Selected publications
- "Feasibility of dual-energy CBCT by spectral filtration of a dual-focus CNT x-ray source", B. LI, et al. PlosOne 2022
- "Volumetric computed tomography with carbon nanotube x-ray source array for improved image quality and accuracy", S. Xu et al., CommsEng, 2023
Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT)
MRT is an experimental radiotherapy technique with the potential of eradicating tumor while sparing normal tissues in small animal studies. We aim to develop an image guided bench-top microbeam irradiator for studying to MRT using small animal models.

Selected publications
-"immune-mediated effects of micro planar radiotherapy with a small animal irradiator", S. Bazaar, et al. Cancer, 2021
-"Neurocognitive sparing of desktop microbeam irradiation:, S. Bazyar, Radiation Oncology, 2017
Intraoral tomosynthesis
To provide an improved visualization and diagnosis of dental diseases compared to 2D radiography. A prototype is being evaluated clinically at the UNC dental clinic.

From lab research to FDA clearance and clinical translation

Selected publications
-"Applying synthetic radiography to intraoral tomosynthesis: a step towards achieving 3D imaging in the dental clinic", C. Puett et al, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2021
- "Characterization and preliminary imaging evaluation of a clinical stationary intraoral tomosynthesis system", CR Inscoe et al, Medical Physics, 2018
Orthopedic imaging
We aim to develop a compact tomosynthesis scanner fro extremity imaging using the CNT x-ray source array technology
Selected publications
-"Point-of-care tomosynthesis imaging of the wrist", CR Inscoe et al,, Military Medicine 2021
-"Preliminary imaging evaluation of a compact tomosynthesis system for potential point-of-care extremity imaging", CR Inscoe, et al., Medical Imaging 2020